Harrow Borough Photos Goes Live
Great news! The latest addition to our growing portfolio of Borough Photos websites – The London Borough of Harrow – has now gone live. The collection can be found at boroughphotos.org/harrow and features a fascinating array of photographs from around the borough dating back to the 1890s. It’s been a pleasure working with the team at Harrow and we hope that the site plays a significant role in opening up the borough’s history to a wider audience.
boroughphotos.org is a collection of websites designed and hosted by Max Communications which publish and make available for purchase photographs and other images from the archival collections of boroughs across London. The number of boroughs who have their collections published through Borough Photos currently stands at ten with more to follow.
Additionally, we’ve applied the concept to a number of websites outside the London area including East Riding Photos, REME and the Geological Society Picture Library.
If you’re interested in publishing your archival collection online please use the form on our website to contact us for details or alternatively call us on 020 8309 5445.
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