Website Maintenance & Training...

Website Maintenance and Training - Wordpress admin
We offer training around website maintenance and editing to our clients

Website Maintenance & Training

We believe in not only providing excellently designed and SEO optimised websites but also in giving our clients the tools to continue maintenance of WordPress sites themselves should they so wish. Whilst basic WordPress maintenance is not difficult, the process can be slightly overwhelming to being with, particularly for those with no previous experience.

With this in mind, Max offer initial basic WordPress training once your site is complete. We use this training to cover the basics such as signing in and out, adding users, keeping any plugins up-to-date and, most importantly adding, removing or editing digitised materials and site pages and posts. Training is split into an initial session and a later follow-up session and we feel that this provides the knowledge required to keep your site in good working order.

For those who would prefer to outsource this work, we are happy to take on the maintenance of your site ourselves and offer a range of maintenance contracts.

If you'd like to get in touch to find out more about our services please use the buttons below or call us on 020 8309 5445


I have worked with Max Communications and the team for some years. In recent work with their Archivematica iteration in the College Archives and Corporate Records Unit, and other digital work required by varying cohorts in Imperial, Max Communications have been responsive, innovative and demonstrated great problem-solving abilities. The Max Communications team, from the top down, is approachable, friendly and keen to help.

An example is in their engagement for some major confidential scanning projects. The projects were discussed, scoped and agreed to a high standard of hand scanning. Benchmarking was agreed to our satisfaction when the project started, with a fast progress time for the work. They provided rapid access to files, including digitising out of sequence, e.g. one such turn around for hand scanning, editing and proofing a large file was within 3 hours. The digital delivery was by secure online transfer, and the hard disks and hard copy delivered securely by courier.

On a lighter note, digitisation of 1960s academic cine film was carried out promptly and to a high standard, such that it can be reshown at a major conference

--Anne Barrett | College Archivist & Corporate Records Manager | Imperial College London
Website Maintenance and Training - Wordpress admin
We offer training around website maintenance and editing to our clients