Max Putting Conservation at the Heart of the Digitisation Process
Digitising and then digitally preserving your collection is vital for ensuring it is preserved for posterity but the fact a collection is digitally preserved shouldn’t cause us to lose sight of how vital it is to physically conserve and preserve archival materials.
Max Communications puts conservation and preservation at the heart of our digitisation work and offer a range of services to ensure that your physical materials are preserved for future generations.
Working from our on-site conservation studio we are able to offer collection and storage assessments, professional photographic conservation, paper conservation and book conservation services, mould remediation and secure, environmentally controlled storage and housing solutions.
To find out more about the conservation, preservation and storage services we offer, please visit the site’s conservation section.
If you'd like to get in touch to find out more about our services please use the buttons below or call us on +44 (0)20 8309 5445