WSUP – Homelessness Support in Our Local Community
We’re delighted to be able to communicate our involvement with local charitable initiative, The Woolwich Service User’s Project (WSUP). WSUP has been in existence since 2010 and was set up to provide practical and emotional support to people experiencing homelessness, vulnerable housing, mental health issues and alcohol and/or drug addiction. The project is run by a dedicated team of volunteers and offers a genuine safe space where people can access support and companionship. In addition, the project runs a clothes bank and offers laundry facilities, haircuts, showers and warm meals – the things that most of us take for granted but can be difficult to access particularly for people who are living on the streets or experiencing financial hardship.
As ever, but particularly in these difficult times, funding the project is a struggle. When government funding was withdrawn in 2015 the project actually closed for six months and it was only through the dedication of a former staff member at the project who threw himself into raising the funds for it to reopen that it exists at all.
With this in mind, we’ve put in place a number of company-wide initiatives to raise money for WSUP as well as providing practical support around help with transport, technical support and much else. Additionally, a number of Max staff have volunteered to make themselves available to help at the project.
We would urge everyone to take a look at WSUP’s website and find out more about the great work that they do.
Additionally, those who feel they wish to make a donation ether financial or items such as clothing or hygiene products, can do so via the Just Giving link in site’s “How You Can Help” section.
As a company we believe that it’s important for organisations to have a positive impact on and give back to their local communities and we’re delighted to be able to make a contribution in this respect.
If you'd like to get in touch to find out more about our services please use the buttons below or call us on +44 (0)20 8309 5445